“Create leaders who are grounded and passionate about the lives of others with a passion for social- emotional, cultural and moral wellbeing with the skill to adapt with changes in society over time”
We encourage our members to be observant and proactively propose viable solutions. We empower these individuals to lead projects by facilitating open communication with the Executive Board.
Developing communication skills, approaching people professionally, managingprojectsindividually, learningtofollowguidelines, being forthright, overcoming fear of public speaking, creating digital graphics, being humble, kind, and empathetic leaders who envision a better world, are all important life lessons that we instill.
Ourmissionistodevelop a generationofleaderswithstrongself-esteem,avigorousdesiretohelpothers,empathyandcriticalthinking.Ouropportunitiesareendless,but theultimateobjectiveistodevelopleaderswhousetheirhomeroomknowledgeand first-hand experiencetoimprove thesociety.
Join us to further culminate what we as Resolvers with utmost camaraderie and tenacity.
You can sign up for a toolkit or contact us to design your own signature project.